THQ – Prologue (i)

The Peculiar Kinga Clan

A peculiar clan with the surname Kinga has lived hidden in the wet, lush green highlands found on the outskirts of Mount Kenya.

Legend was the ancients of the Kinga Clan had discovered a secret treasure in their family land. The treasure-filled their lives and those of their descendants with abundance and good fortune. However, the price of keeping the treasure included a lifetime dedication to guarding the source. There was no compromise.

Legend said that there was never a member of the Kinga Clan who shunned this duty. After all, the Kinga farms remained abundant, the clan’s children multiplied, and there was no reason to walk away from such good fortune.

The first ancients of the Kinga clan remain distant, but it is well documented that the sixth generation of guardians in the clan was led by Singu Kinga and his wife, Asta. Singu and Asta guarded the treasure for eight decades before handing it over to their son, Teres.

Teres Kinga, and his wife, Jelena, grew the clan even larger during their seventh generation. And so, Teres guarded the treasure for seven decades before the couple handed over guardianship to their eldest daughter, Siti.

Siti made history in the clan by becoming the first matriarch in the Kinga Clan and the head of the eighth generation. She took on the heavy burden of guarding a treasure that had lived for over four hundred years.

One afternoon, in the spirit of educating Siti, her mother, Jelena, led Siti to the massive fig tree that grew in the deepest part of the forest in the middle of their farm.

Siti visited the fig tree often with her parents. All her elders liked to bring fruit offerings to this tree in a show of respect every time the moon turned full. She was twenty-one years old and had brought fruit offerings to the fig tree since she turned five.

She never understood why they needed to give thanks here.

That is, until that strange afternoon four months before Siti married her husband, Adasi. Jelena led her to the fig tree, and Siti discovered the reason why her clan protects their land with such fervor.

Jelena took Siti’s right hand and made a small cut on her index finger with the tip of a broken coconut shell. She then placed Siti’s bleeding finger on the trunk of the fig tree.

“Siti, you’re to marry Adasi and learn how to run our Fig Hill Farm for the next generation. It is time you understood the fate your father and I place on your shoulders,” Jelena said, as she held Siti’s hand pressed to the fig tree.

Once enough of her blood was on the tree bark, Jelena pulled Siti away from the tree.

“Beyond our gates, the region is filled with a perilous fight for freedom from the colonialists,” Jelena said, her voice wistful as she watched the tree bark. “Have you ever wondered why our home remains untouched?”

“Often,” Siti said. “Two months ago, we needed to help Ceri and her family when they were chased away from their land by the colonialists. But the bad people did not enter our gates, even though we left them open for anyone to walk in. They never found their way in.”

“Yes,” Jelena said. “I’ll show you why we have been protected from the pain Ceri and her family face. Why you now must help protect the source of our good fortune. Why you must keep at it for the rest of your life. There are only three rules to knowing the secret of the treasure. One, do not be afraid. Two, do not be disrespectful, and always show gratitude. Third, never abandon the promise. Anyone from the Kinga Clan who abandons the promise will no longer enjoy the protection of the treasure. Do you understand, Siti?”

“Yes, Mama,” Siti said, though she did not fully understand.

Before she could ask more about the rules, a white light cut a straight line through the middle of the tall fig tree. The light grew wider, as though opening a door in the middle of the thick tree trunk.

Siti started to step back in surprise, but Jelena held her right hand tight and held her in place.

“Do not cower,” Jelena warned. “They do not respect fear.”

Siti glanced at her mother who stood with fierce resolution as she faced the growing white light on the fig tree. Drawing strength from her mother’s clear confidence, Siti took in a deep breath and faced the growing light that had turned into a wide opening.

To her eternal surprise, a woman stepped out of the opening.

Siti gulped in her astonishment as her mother gave the newcomer a swift nod of greeting.

Siti took the time to study the woman standing before her mother. She was tall, or so it seemed because she stood with her back straight, her head held high. Her black hair was thick, curly, and long down her back. It was held together with a band woven with branches from a fig tree. Young leaves sprouting from the branch nodes. Dressed in a long white dress that framed her body to perfection, the skirts reaching to her feet. She looked like a woman filled with authority.

“Jelena Kinga, you have called an audience with Asha, a daughter of Airi. What would you ask of Asha?”

“The Kinga Clan continues its legacy. I present my daughter,” Jelena said, moving to stand behind Siti. She placed her hands on Siti’s shoulders so that they both faced Asha. “She is the next guardian of our clan. She’ll start learning how to manage the farm next month.”

“A girl,” Asha said with a small pleased smile, her gaze finally shifting to Siti.

Siti sucked in the air when she noted that there was a deep blue ring surrounding the iris of Asha’s brown eyes. The color reminded her of water. How strange.

“Your name, child,” Asha prompted.


“Siti, your name is a powerful talisman. You must never fear saying it,” Asha said. “I will ask once more. Your name, child.”


“Good. Strong and sure,” Asha nodded. “You will do fine. You’re the first matriarch of the Kinga Clan. I will grant you a gift to celebrate the first of your kind. Will you accept it?”

Jelena squeezed Siti’s shoulders when she tried to look at her. Siti swallowed back her question on whether to take the gift and met Asha’s gaze

“I will accept the gift,” Siti said.

“Good,” Asha nodded and held out her hand to Siti.

The hand Asha held out looked strong, and capable, there was no softness to it. The tips of Asha’s fingers looked dipped in blue chalk—the same color as the ring around her irises. There were more fig branches wrapped around her wrists. These were woven in an intricate design.

Siti had no time to study them further as Asha took her hand in a strong grip and pulled her toward the opening in the fig tree. Siti took deep breaths, doing her best to manage the panic that rose with stepping into a gaping hole in the trunk of a fig tree.

Shaking her head at the insanity of the moment, Siti followed Asha’s guidance.

Soon, they stepped into the gaping hole and she was surprised to discover a neat rock path built in a corridor. The corridor seemed carved out of rock. The corridor was long, the roof high with graceful arches, as though someone had spent hours curving out the rock with precision. Siti studied the shapes on the arches as she followed Asha down the long corridor.

Then, she bumped into Asha’s back and apologized when she realized Asha had stopped. She had no idea how they reached outside. Did the corridor lead straight out? Siti could not tell.

Asha pulled her around, and Siti gasped as she took in the sight of the most magnificent waterfall she had ever seen. Waters fell with force from a great cliff above them, flowing down into a rushing river below, forming a great winding path down a lush green valley. The trees looked taller here, the green color of the leaves deeper. The air was so fresh and delicious, it cleared her head and allowed her to see better. The scene was breathtaking.

“The waters fall from the Azure Fountain. The fountain is the source of life in our eternal realm. We call it Goshalion,” Asha said. “Ages ago, there were many fig trees in your mortal realm, just like the one growing in the middle of your farm. They joined our realms, and we all lived in nature and harmony. Then, the mortals grew greedy and disrespectful to nature. They cut the figs without discrimination. Soon, most of the mortal realm forgot Goshalion. The only mortal pathway left is the tree standing in the middle of your farm.”

“Siti, your family has guarded the pathway to our Goshalion for a long time. While I, Asha of the Airi, guard the pathway to your mortal realm. The dangers we have faced come from your mortal realm, as mortals cut down pathways, and forgot our ways. If there are ever any dangers to your world from our side, it will be my turn to guard your home. We cannot do without each other. We cannot live without the other. If one betrays the other, we both fall. So, we protect. Siti, daughter of Kinga, it is your duty to keep this secret. Can you do it?”

“I can,” Siti said, staring at the huge river flowing to the rest of Goshalion. This land looked more wild, vast, and utterly untouched. She imagined it knew no fights for freedom, nor did it lack in abundance. What a wonderful place.

“Then, as you keep the secret of Goshalion, so shall we continue to protect your farm,” Asha declared. “The promise was never broken.”

And so, the age of the Kinga matriarch started.

Asha had no idea that one day she would look to Siti, the Kinga matriarch, for the protection of her most precious gem in Goshalion.


Table of Contents | Prologue ii>>