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Hana Yori Dango Vol. 1 by Yoko Kamio: A Captivating Manga Story of Love and Adversity

Hana Yori Dango Vol. 1 cover

Hana Yori Dango Vol. 1

by Yoko Kamio

When her only friend, Makiko, accidentally offends F4 leader Tsukasa, Tsukushi boldly defends her. Enraged, Tsukasa puts the dreaded red tag in Tsukushi’s locker — a sign that she is now a target for the abuse of the F4 gang and the entire school. But when Tsukushi fights the gang with their own weapon, Tsukasa finds himself falling for her! Find Volume 1 Here.

About Yoko Kamio

Yōko Kamio is a popular Japanese manga artist and writer. She is most famous for Boys Over Flowers (Hana Yori Dango), for which she received the Shogakukan Manga Award in 1996. Her work has been translated and distributed in Asia, Europe, and North America.


Hana Yori Dango has this amazing story that struck me at the first volume, and sort of held on to the last volume. Hana Yori Dango has 37 Volumes of story. I borrowed this manga’s volumes from a library in high school and would always look for the next volume like crazy. I loooved! the discovering days of Hana Yori Dango and the question of ‘Will it be Rui or Tsukasa?’ Oh, the angst! It was awesome.

Hana Yori Dango Chapter 1 Illustrations by Yoko Kamio

Hana Yori Dango which translates to Boys Over Flowers is a story about a girl doing her best to achieve her dreams despite the adversity she faces in an elite school filled with affluent classmates. She has a fiery temper, and is very loyal to her friends, so when she sees her friends suffering she does her best to ease their pain and help.

When Tsukushi Makino joins an elite school and manages to make a friend, she feels compelled to stand up for her new friend when she gets in trouble. Through this encounter, Tsukushi ends up offending the biggest elite classmate of their school, Tsukasa Domyouji, the leader of ‘F4’.

Hana Yori Dango chronicles how Tsukushi survives through a severe hazing experience at the hands of ‘F4’ led by Tsukasa Domyouji. Her encounters with the four ‘F4’ members who rule the elite school’s student body, and how she changes Tsukasa Domyouji. Domyouji and Tsukushi’s story leads to an unforgettable romance, in between, she discovers her true path.

Hana Yori Dango has captured audiences worldwide. This manga is so popular that it has been turned into dramas across different Asian countries and Europe.

Tsukushi Makino has an endearing spirit. You want to root for her as she faces the many challenges in a school filled with affluent classmates, who are more privileged than her. At the same time, there is the discovery of Tsukasa Domyouji who may seem overprivileged, but it turns out he is drawn to Tsukushi because of her fierce loyalty and pure nature.

“I like to believe if I wear great shoes, they’ll take me to great places.” – Shizuka to Tsukushi, Chapter 10, Hana Yori Dango.

Hana Yori Dango Chapter 21 Spread Yoko Kamio Art

Hana Yori Dango is a great story to read, the art has a distinctive style and is quite easy to follow. However, if you prefer to watch, check out the following adaptations. My personal favorite remains the 2005 TBS Japanese Version. However, you can check out the following adaptations too.

  • Meteor Garden (Taiwan, 2001)
  • Boys Over Flowers (Japan, 2005)
  • Boys Over Flowers (Kdrama, 2009)
  • Meteor Garden (China, 2018)
  • F4 Thailand: Boys Over Flowers (Thailand, 2021)

Discovering Ai Yazawa: Nana and Paradise Kiss Creator

There are amazing women artists in the world of Manga. Today, let’s discover more about Ai Yazawa, the memorable Nana and Paradise Kiss creator. Both mangas have adaptations into anime and live-action movies.

About Ai Yazawa

Ai YAZAWA (矢沢あい) is a Japanese manga author. Her pen name comes from Japanese singer Eikichi Yazawa, of whom she is a fan.

Yazawa started her manga publishing life in 1985; throughout 15 years of publishing, she wrote over ten series on Ribon magazine. While most of her manga continues to be published in Japan by Shueisha, publishers of Ribon and Cookie (in which Nana is serialized), series like Paradise Kiss now appear in other magazines such as Zipper, published by Shodensha.

Yazawa's most famous manga include Tenshi Nanka Ja Nai (I'm Not an Angel), Gokinjo Monogatari (Neighborhood Story), Paradise Kiss, and Nana. In 2003, she was awarded the Shogakukan Manga Award for Nana. Some of her manga works were made into anime, and live action movies too.

Yazawa's works are most popular among women and young girls. The storylines generally are centered on young women and their relationships, something with which her young fanbase identifies. The characters are always very stylish, and she is known especially for her hip sense of fashion. Yazawa herself attended a fashion school after high school but did not complete her studies there. Another key point is her strikingly unique, often rebellious characters, who tend to be juxtaposed against the more traditional ones.

She has also published three artbooks. Source : yazawa


Nana Komatsu is a young woman who’s endured an unending string of boyfriend problems. Moving to Tokyo, she’s hoping to take control of her life and put all those messy misadventures behind her. She’s looking for love and hoping to find it in the big city.

Nana Osaki, on the other hand, is cool, confident and focused. She swaggers into town and proceeds to kick down the doors to Tokyo’s underground punk scene. She’s got a dream and won’t give up until she becomes Japan’s No. 1 rock’n’roll superstar.

This is the story of two 20-year-old women who share the same name. Even though they come from completely different backgrounds, they somehow meet and become best friends. The world of Nana is a world exploding with sex, music, fashion, gossip, and all-night parties.

All Art by Ai Yazawa

The most endearing part of this story is the friendship that grows between Nana K. and Nana O. They are vastly different women, from their fashion style to their beliefs and their past. Despite boyfriends, career decisions, and an unexpected pregnancy, these two young women are determined to keep their friendship going. The most tragic thing about Nana is that it remains on hiatus after 21 volumes.

All Nana fans eternally hope that Ai Yazawa will one day complete this beautiful saga. Despite the hiatus, Nana has two compelling live-action movies (Available on Apple+ or Viki) and a very entertaining anime (Available on Netflix or where you get your anime fix). Nana is a great story to check out and the art is so beautiful, the characters come to life with every panel. Nana has mature themes and is recommended for ages 16- 18. Grade 10-12.

Paradise Kiss

Yukari wants nothing more than to make her parents happy by studying hard and getting into a good college. One afternoon, however, she is kidnapped by a group of self-proclaimed fashion mavens calling themselves “Paradise Kiss.”

Yukari suddenly finds herself in the roller coaster life of the fashion world, guided by George, an art snob extraordinaire. In a glamorous makeover of body, mind, and soul, she is turned from a hapless bookworm into her friends’ exclusive clothing model.

Paradise Kiss has a truly tumultuous relationship between George and Yukari. The decisions they both make at the end of this five-volume series are realistic and very human. Yukari and George fall in love and must decide what to do with their relationship to fulfill their dreams and gain what they most want. Paradise Kiss has a live-action movie and an anime too.

Ai Yazawa has a fantastic body of work. Her art is always unique, and colorful, using sharp, elegant lines. She depicts stories rooted in a realistic world and characters that are easy to relate to. Check out her other work Tenshi Nanka Ja Nai (I’m No Angel).

Art by Ai Yazawa – Instagram | Facebook



by Jacqueline Susann

A beautiful earth woman is kidnapped by Yargo, the incredibly attractive ruler of a distant world, and begins a romantic adventure to exotic planets.

A tale ensues:

I read this book when I was in grade school so many years ago. It was on the home library shelf and the story is not very difficult to read, so I loved it then and still reread it when I remember it. This year the reread was triggered by a total eclipse event. The visual of the moon covering the sun lets you know there are planet-sized mysteries beyond our skies. Anyway, I caught a glimpse of the event and happened to clean out the bookshelves, and voila! Yargo came to mind.

Yargo is quite fascinating as Jacqueline Susann wrote it in the 1950s as a romance novel with a sci-fi twist. The main character Janet Cooper goes camping in the sand dunes of Avalon, searching for the meaning of life as she knows it. She’s out in the evening, staring at the stars, and reminiscing about teenage dreams. When lo and behold one of those stars suddenly hangs lower than normal. Janet Cooper is promptly kidnapped off the planet by aliens.

The first time I read it I went out to check whether the stars could do this (I was thirteen, excuse my excited imagination). You can also imagine my disappointment when none of this happened. The stars did not hang low for me, at all. Damn you, Janet Cooper. The idea felt possible at the time.

Still, I loved the adventure of this story.

It turns out the aliens made a mistake by capturing a human from planet Earth. We’re imperfect, but the aliens are lightyears ahead of our planet and consider themselves evolved to perfection. Now, the aliens who botched the job had to figure out where to take Janet Cooper. The planet that finally agrees to take her in is called Yargo. Yargo is considered a utopian world full of perfect beings. Incidentally, Janet who had been wondering where to find the ideal man, (as earlier mentioned ‘reminiscing her teenage dreams in the dunes‘), meets him on this planet.

Reading it now, I don’t think it is truly a romance story but a metamorphosis story for Janet. I loved how imaginative Yargo is and it is a great sci-fi read, especially for someone not looking to dig too deep into a sci-fi world. Instead, it takes on a philosophical outlook on utopias and the beauty of imperfections.

The Awakening

The Awakening by Nora Roberts

The Awakening (The Dragon Heart Legacy 1)

by Nora Roberts

In the realm of Talamh, a teenage warrior named Keegan emerges from a lake holding a sword—representing both power and the terrifying responsibility to protect the Fey. In another realm known as Philadelphia, a young woman has just discovered she possesses a treasure of her own…

When Breen Kelly was a girl, her father would tell her stories of magical places. Now she’s an anxious twentysomething mired in student debt and working a job she hates. But one day she stumbles upon a shocking discovery: her mother has been hiding an investment account in her name. It has been funded by her long-lost father—and it’s worth nearly four million dollars.

This newfound fortune would be life-changing for anyone. But little does Breen know that when she uses some of the money to journey to Ireland, it will unlock mysteries she couldn’t have imagined. Here, she will begin to understand why she kept seeing that silver-haired, elusive man, why she imagined his voice in her head saying Come home, Breen Siobhan. It’s time you came home. Why she dreamed of dragons. And where her true destiny lies—through a portal in Galway that takes her to a land of faeries and mermaids, to a man named Keegan, and to the courage in her own heart that will guide her through a powerful, dangerous destiny…


The Awakening is book one of the Dragon Heart Legacy series. Breen Kelly is an unsure young woman doing her best to pay for her student debt while working a job she does not enjoy. She has personal struggles and manages cases of anxiety. Breen is doing the best she can with her life. Then, she discovers her mother has hidden a secret from her. One that would have changed her life, a secret that does change her life. Breen then embarks on a journey to discover her true passion.
I love how we meet Breen in a moment where she is doing her best with what she has known. When she discovers her mother’s secret, she has to have the courage to take the next step. The key to her choice to make changes in her life is courage. Courage that sends her on an unforgettable journey. I loved the world-building. The series is at the start, and hopefully, it will get even more amazing.


Belladonna Book Cover


by Adalyn Grace

Orphaned as a baby, nineteen-year-old Signa has been raised by a string of guardians, each one more interested in her wealth than her well-being—and each has met an untimely end. Her remaining relatives are the elusive Hawthornes, an eccentric family living at Thorn Grove, an estate both glittering and gloomy. Its patriarch mourns his late wife through wild parties, while his son grapples for control of the family’s waning reputation, and his daughter suffers from a mysterious illness. But when their mother’s restless spirit appears claiming she was poisoned, Signa realizes that the family she depends on could be in grave danger and enlists the help of a surly stable boy to hunt down the killer.
However, Signa’s best chance of uncovering the murderer is an alliance with Death himself, a fascinating, dangerous shadow who has never been far from her side. Though he’s made her life a living hell, Death shows Signa that their growing connection may be more powerful—and more irresistible—than she ever dared imagine.


A story about a girl who is immune to Belladonna, hence the title. This book has a delicious gothic mood to it, down to a gothic manor filled with eccentric family members, and Signa, the main character, who is discovering the mystery of her existence. I enjoyed the impact of the opening scene. It was a great opening for the most unlikely character in this story, Death. Signa and Death have a strong connection that only grows from the opening scene, all the way to their unlikely relationship.
This is certainly a unique story. Mostly, I loved how gothic it felt, from the eighteen-hundred setting, the parties, and the use of Belladonna itself.

Book Cover Design with Denma Digital Consulting

When authors complete their manuscript edit and are in the process of book formatting for print or eBook sales, they often start thinking about ‘The Book Cover’. Denma Digital Consulting is a creative agency that offers various services, including book cover design.

Our creative process commences with detailed discussions with the author to grasp their vision, genre, and target readership.

Denma Digital Consulting

If you’re looking for a book cover designer, or wondering how to get started on your book cover, read on for insight on how to get your book cover designed.

What is Denma Digital Consulting?

Denma Digital Consulting is a full-service Video Editing, Web, and Graphic design agency based in Nairobi, Kenya. We provide a wide range of services including Video editing, Animation, website development, branding, corporate identity, and Creative logo design.

Our experienced Video editors, designers, and developers work closely with our clients to create unique and effective solutions that help them stand out in their industry. We pride ourselves on understanding our client’s needs and delivering results that exceed their expectations. If you’re looking for a partner to help you create a stunning online presence and build your brand, look no further than Denma Digital Consulting. Contact us today for a free consultation!

When authors complete their manuscript edit and are in the process of book formatting for print or for eBook sales, they often start thinking about ‘The Book Cover’. What would you tell an author who is looking for a book cover?

Denma Digital: If you’re considering your book cover, that’s fantastic! Your book cover serves as the face of your book, the initial impression readers encounter. Therefore,

  • My suggestion is to carefully consider the atmosphere you wish to convey.
  • Is your book mysterious, romantic, or thrilling? Select a cover design that resonates with this ambiance and captivates the audience’s attention.
  • Additionally, collaborating with a skilled designer who comprehends your vision is crucial.

Take your time with this step – a remarkable cover significantly boosts your book’s visibility!

What do you need from an author to create a book cover?

Denma Digital: To craft the ideal cover for your book, I’ll need the following details:

  • Provide a brief overview of your book! What’s the story about? This allows me to grasp its essence and tone.
  • Identify your target audience. Are you targeting teenagers, romance enthusiasts, or mystery aficionados? Understanding your readership aids in tailoring a cover that resonates with them.
  • If you have any concepts or visuals in mind for the cover, please share them! It’s beneficial to draw inspiration from your ideas.
  • Lastly, don’t overlook specifying the book title and your name as you wish them to appear on the cover.

Armed with this information, I can create a visually stunning cover that encapsulates the essence of your book. Let’s collaborate to craft something extraordinary!

Authors also need to have websites, or social media content and banners for their author brand. How can an author looking for a book cover creator, or a website designer reach you?

Authors looking for a book cover creator or website designer can connect with us at Denma Digital Consulting through various avenues. They can visit our website,, to explore our portfolio, learn about our services, and contact us directly via the provided contact form. Alternatively, authors can reach out to us via email at or give us a call at +254 706085502. We eagerly anticipate inquiries and are excited to help authors bring their creative visions to fruition.

What is Denma Digital’s Book Cover creative process?

  • Each of these book covers was carefully designed to capture the essence of the stories while also attracting the intended audience.
  • Our creative process commences with detailed discussions with the author to grasp their vision, genre, and target readership.
  • Subsequently, our skilled designers transform these understandings into visually captivating cover designs that aptly communicate the book’s tone and theme.
  • We endeavor to guarantee that each cover not only captures attention but also resonates with readers, ultimately aiding in the success of the author’s work.

The Dragon King’s Imperial Wrath

The Dragon King’s Imperial Wrath

Written by Aki Shikimi | Art by Akiko Kawano

Thirteen clans rule the land, and the Rat Clan is the weakest. Ruiying, the princess of the Rat Clan, is summoned to the land of the dominating Dragon Clan along with princesses from the other clans. The Dragon King seeks a bride, and they are all candidates! Yet instead of vying for the Dragon King’s favor, Ruiying takes refuge in the palace’s enormous library–a place she can read to her heart’s content. It’s there that the Dragon King discovers her by chance, sparking an immediate connection that will change Ruiying’s life forever!


The artwork is so beautifully done, I love it. I enjoyed the world-building in this volume. And Princess Ruiying is a great protagonist. This reads like a cute, fast romance story, that is not asking too much from the reader. The series is a fast read, I loved how easy going I felt reading it.

Circe by Madeline Miller


by Madeline Miller

In the house of Helios, god of the sun and mightiest of the Titans, a daughter is born. But Circe is a strange child–neither powerful like her father nor viciously alluring like her mother. Turning to the world of mortals for companionship, she discovers that she does possess power: the power of witchcraft, which can transform rivals into monsters and menace the gods themselves.

Threatened, Zeus banishes her to a deserted island, where she hones her occult craft, tames wild beasts, and crosses paths with many of the most famous figures in all of mythology, including the Minotaur, Daedalus and his doomed son Icarus, the murderous Medea, and, of course, wily Odysseus.

But there is danger, too, for a woman who stands alone, and Circe unwittingly draws the wrath of both men and gods, ultimately finding herself pitted against one of the most terrifying and vengeful of the Olympians. To protect what she loves most, Circe must summon all her strength and choose, once and for all, whether she belongs with the gods she is born from or with the mortals she has come to love.

Book Thoughts:

Circe. I read this with expectation. Greek Mythology is so very fascinating, but Circe is not the book to discover more about Zeus. It is about Circe, a girl born to Helios, who grows up learning she is not his favorite child. Every moment as she grows up is excruciating lonely, and I hoped she would find moments of happiness with every turn of the page.

That is one thing gods and mortals share. When we are young, we think ourselves the first to have each feeling in the world.”

This retelling of Circe focuses on a goddess’s internal world as she faces judgment from her parents, siblings, the titans and Olympians. She finds herself isolated and in the isolation, she finds her center and the will to fight the cage.

You have always been the worst of my children,” he said. “Be sure not to dishonor me.” “I have a better idea. I will do as I please, and when you count your children, leave me out.”

Daughter of the Moon Goddess

Daughter of the Moon Goddess

Daughter of the Moon Goddess

by Sue Lynn Tan

Growing up on the moon, Xingyin is accustomed to solitude, unaware that she is being hidden from the feared Celestial Emperor who exiled her mother for stealing his elixir of immortality. But when Xingyin’s magic flares and her existence is discovered, she is forced to flee her home, leaving her mother behind.

Alone, powerless, and afraid, she makes her way to the Celestial Kingdom, a land of wonder and secrets. Disguising her identity, she seizes an opportunity to learn alongside the emperor’s son, mastering archery and magic, even as passion flames between her and the prince.

To save her mother, Xingyin embarks on a perilous quest, confronting legendary creatures and vicious enemies across the earth and skies. But when treachery looms and forbidden magic threatens the kingdom, she must challenge the ruthless Celestial Emperor for her dream—striking a dangerous bargain in which she is torn between losing all she loves or plunging the realm into chaos.


Daughter of the Moon Goddess is a story inspired by the Legend of Chang’e, the Chinese moon goddess.  Xingyin is the daughter of the moon goddess. She lives a peaceful life at the start, but a moment of curiosity changes her life forever. She soon discovers her mother’s life is in dire straits, and her existence as the daughter of the Moon Goddess is even more dangerous. Her mother urges her to flee to save her life. Xingyin makes it to relative safety and discovers a new world in the Celestial Kingdom. She trains along a celestial kingdom prince and does her best to become stronger. Her goal is to save her mother.

I love that this story is so plot driven, taking you from Xingyin’s cozy life with her mom when she knows no strife. Then, she flees and must struggle to survive, to fighting to grow her strength, and in the end, discovering a path she can follow to save her mother. It’s a rollercoaster fantasy quest and I was there for every minute of it.